Research Projects

# Project Title Role Funding Agency Duration Status
1. Investigating Patterns of Architectural Features in Saudi Contemporary Architecture using Data Mining: Case Study (Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam) Principal Investigator King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Fund: 499,040 SR
3 Years
(Jan. 2007-Dec.2009)
In Progress
2. A Semantic-Based Virtual Design Environment for Digital Designing in Architecture Principal Investigator Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Fund: 158,000 SR
22 Months
(Sept. 2006-Nov. 2008)
In Progress
3. Analyzing the Impact of IT-based Curriculum On Undergraduate Students’ Learning in Architecture at KFUPM Principal Investigator Deanship of Academic Development, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Fund: 54,600 SR
1 Year
April. 2006 to June 2007
4. Developing an Integration System to improve the Utilization of Smart Office Building Technologies in Saudi Arabia Principal Investigator Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Fund: 64,000 SR
14 Months
Sept. 2005-November 2006
5. Developing plans for the improvement of campus amenities and services Co-Investigator Office of Planning and Quality, KFUPM
Fund: 38,800 SR
9 Months; March 2006 – Jan. 2007 Completed
6. The Mutable Building Envelope: Seasonable Appearances Principal Investigator Innovation Grants, College of Environmental Design (CED), KFUPM
4 Months; June- Oct. 2005 Completed & received the College Innovation Award
7. Life Cycle Modelling and Design Knowledge Development in Virtual Environments. Project Manager CRC: Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation, Australia.
Fund: 320,000 AUD$
3 Years (2002- 2004) Completed
8. Intelligent Agents for Concept Invention of Design Forms Chief Investigator ARC Discovery Projects, Australian Research Council, Australia
Fund: AUD$ 92,000.00
2 Years (2003-2004) Completed
9. A Prototype of Concept-Invention Agents to support Design Creativity Chief Investigator SESQUE Grant, University of Sydney, Australia
Fund: AUD$ 13,000.00
1 Year, (2002) Completed